1. Speed and accuracy is the motto of our Emergency Services.
2. Service with smile is the motto of our Hospital. OPD Services.
3. We are a Hi-Tech Hospital and our mission is Treat all patients with confidentiality, compassion, care and respect.
4. We feel your pain is the motto of our surgical cases.
5. We feel proud of our next generation is the motto of our Obstetrical care.
6. Zero Error Syndrome is the motto of our operative treatment.
7. Backbone should be strong to walk is the motto of our pathology services.
8. Fraction of second is the turning point of life or Death.-ICU Services.
9. We make value of your comment-Complain box.
10. Value of life is more important that anything-Ambulance service.
11. Documentary work get less important to life Save.
The cost effectiveness should be within the target group of patients in a country like Bangladesh